Sql-server – Move (Restore) SQL Server 2005 database which does not exist before

backuppermissionsrestoresql serversql-server-2005

I did not ready about this but found out after trying to restore a database from remote server and it wont restore if the database did not exist before. What I would do is

  1. create a .bak file (backup the database)
  2. Copy the .bak file to the remote server using shared folder
  3. Run restore in SQL Server Management Studio to restore the database

It will give me error. I think I found it almost accidently (or out frustration, just restored it on top of the database, and it worked).

Now as I am typing the question, I realize move is probably not the same thing as restore. For restore, the database must already exist?

I am in the same position again to restore a database which does not exist on my system.

1. What procedure do I follow?

2. Do I need to set permission on the .bak file before restoring successfully on remote Server?

3. Or is there a better way?

Am I missing anything? I would like to know, what are the rules when restoring (or moving) the database.

Edit : Adding the dialog error. I just repeated the process. I am not sure this was the exact error I was getting before. I renamed the original db that I have. Then I import using SSMS.

enter image description here

Best Answer

No, for a restore you don't have to have the database existing already (be mindful though to not have the with replace option set in your restore database command).

The below statement would create a new database from the backup:

FROM  DISK = N'C:\YourBackupFile.bak' 
WITH  FILE = 1,  
    MOVE N'YourDataFile' TO N'C:\YourNewDbName.mdf',  
    MOVE N'YourLogFile' TO N'C:\YourNewDbName_1.ldf',  
    STATS = 10

Obviously, modify the parameters accordingly. But this doesn't require YourNewDbName to exist prior to the restore database.