Sql-server – SQL Server Logical Device for Directories

disk-structuressql server

I am in need of logical backup device option for SQL Server, but not for disk files, but Windows directories. Is there anything like this available or how can I achieve that? Even from 3rd parties?

I have different folders on different machines and I need one logical name for them both, sure one on each server.

I need to create one logical directory in several servers with the same name, but their paths in actuality are different. So I can create a logical backup device with a path, which is like this c:/myfolder/backup.bak and all the backups initiated to this device will be appended in the same file. But I need to create it for the c:/myfolder directory (aka folder) without specifying the file backup.bak. so it will reference to a folder and not to a file, so I can create different backups in the folder with different names and separate files.

Best Answer

I have different folders on different machines and I need one logical name for them both, sure one on each server.

If you have different folders on different servers and you need them to be presented with the same name you could use mklink to create a directory symbolic link.