Sql-server – Restore all applicable files in a backup device in T-SQL

backuprestoresql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sql

I'm using SQL Server (2008 R2 in this case) and I am backing up my databases into backup devices (one per database). Every Sunday the device is overwritten with a new full backup, every night a differential backup is added and every hour a transaction log backup is added to the backup device.

When restoring this onto a new server using SSMS I first create a new database, then add the backup device and then restore from that backup device. I then have to manually select the applicable files:

  • The Full backup (always the first one in the list)
  • The latest differential backup
  • All transaction log backups that came after the last differential backup.

enter image description here

This works fine for the occassional restore, but I need to automate this in T-SQL.

There is some logic on which files to pick, but I don't even know how to get to the content of the backup device yet.

I would like to have a stored procedure that takes the name of the database and the backup device and restores the latest version. Anybody knows of such a thing?

Or do I miss something here and there is a simple command for this?

Best Answer

This procedure should do what you want:

create procedure dbo.dbrestore
@dbname nvarchar(50)
declare @fileno integer
declare @dumpdevice nvarchar(50)
declare @mediasetid integer
declare @position integer

select top(1) @dumpdevice=a.logical_device_name, @mediasetid=b.media_set_id, @position=b.position from backupmediafamily a inner join backupset b on a.media_set_id=b.media_set_id
where b.database_name='backuptest' and b.type='D' order by a.media_set_id desc, b. position desc

declare restore_cursor cursor for
select position from msdb.dbo.backupset where database_name=@dbname and type='D' and media_set_id=@mediasetid and position=@position
select  max(position) as position from msdb.dbo.backupset where database_name=@dbname and type='I' and media_set_id=@mediasetid and position>@position
select position from msdb.dbo.backupset where database_name=@dbname and type='L' and media_set_id=@mediasetid and position>@position
and last_lsn>(select max(last_lsn)from msdb.dbo.backupset where database_name=@dbname and type='I' and media_set_id=@mediasetid and position>@position)
order by position asc;

open restore_cursor
fetch next from restore_cursor into @fileno
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
--comment the print statement and uncomment the exec statement to run
--exec('restore database ['+@dbname+'] from '+@dumpdevice+' with norecovery, replace, FILE='+@fileno+';')
  print ('restore database ['+@dbname+'] from '+@dumpdevice+' with norecovery, replace, FILE='+convert(varchar(4),@fileno)+';')
fetch next from restore_cursor into @fileno
close restore_cursor
deallocate restore_cursor
--exec('restore database ['+@dbname+'] with recovery;')

execution goes:

get the name of the dumpdevice based on the supplied database name. I'm assuming that they are all on the same device. The top is to work around having multiple media sets per database if using 'with format' for the initial DB, and to cope with the possibility of multiple full backups in the device

Then build up a union query consisting of:

The last full database backup (type=D) in the device

the last differential backup (type=I and has the greatest LSN (Log Sequence Number)) taken after the last full db backup.

the transaction logs (type=L) taken after the above diff.

returning just the position value, which maps to the FILE value in this case (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186299.aspx)

Loop through the result restoring them individually, and then a final restore with recovery to finish it off.

Call it as:

exec dbrestore 'db2restore'

I've tried it on a test db and it appears to work happily, and comparing it to the files SSMS wants to restore for the same operation it looks the same.

Provided as is, there's probably typos, I've probably missed a possible boundary condition, and there's no error checking.