SQL Server – Return Only Rows Where Count >= 1

sql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sql

This is my data set-up, I am needing a way to return only itemsnames and itemonhand where the count of itemonhand is >= 1

I tried simply adding an OR statement to the query, but that is returning items that have a 0 count.

  Declare @TableTest Table (dealerID int, itemname varchar(100), itemonhand int, itemname2 varchar(100), itemonhand2 int, itemname3 varchar(100), itemonhand3 int)
  INSERT INTO @TableTest (dealerID, itemname, itemonhand, itemname2, itemonhand2, itemname3, itemonhand3) VALUES
  (1, 'ball', 0, 'hat', 1, 'sock', 0)
  ,(2, 'ball', 0, 'hat', 0, 'sock', 1)

  Select * FROM @TableTest
  where itemonhand2 = '1'
  OR itemonhand3 = '1'

My desired result set is

1  hat  1
2  sock 1

I just want one row for each dealerID with all items returned on that one row.

Best Answer

This returns your results and is more extensible for more items. It has been edited to return multiple items per dealer.

DECLARE @TableTest Table (dealerID int, itemname varchar(100), itemonhand int)
INSERT INTO @TableTest (dealerID, itemname, itemonhand) VALUES

SELECT dealerID,
stock = STUFF (
            (SELECT ',' + itemname  FROM @TableTest as t1 WHERE t1.itemonhand = 1 and t1.dealerID = t2.dealerID FOR XML PATH ('')), 1,1, '' 
FROM @TableTest as t2