SQL Server – How Access Tables Are Linked with SQL Server

ms accessodbcsql server

I have a mdb file with lots of OBDC linked tables that are linked to the tables in SQL server elsewhere.
I can not see any information on how they are "linked". It is a little scary not knowing whether an accidental key press will effect the live database.

If the SQL server table is modified will it be automatically reflected in the table and when?
If I edit the linked Access table will it be reflected in the SQL server table?
(Trusted_Connection=YES any significance?)

Best Answer

  1. If the SQL server table is modified will it be automatically reflected in the [linked] table and when? Yes, on next refresh or requery.
  2. If I edit the linked Access table will it be reflected in the SQL server table?
    Yes; as before, these updates will be visible on the other end on next refresh or requery.
  3. Trusted Connection only controls how the connection is made to SQL Server, not behaviour after a connection is made.

The key concept here is that linked SQL Server tables are truly linked to ACCESS, not copied. If you desire a private copy of the data, copy the tables down instead of linking them.