Sql-server – Extracting data from SQL Server linked server

linked-serverodbcsql serversql-server-2012

I am using MS SQL Server 2012, and I am trying to extract data from a Linked Server database.

In SQL Server management studio, I can see the linked server. I can browse the database on the server. I can see all tables in database.

When I try and query a linked table

select * from openquery(somedatabase,'select top 4 * from test')

I get error:

The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "somedatabase" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.

When I try to script the table.. right_click on the linked table, Script table as, Select to, New Query Editor window, I get same error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I referred to following posts but it did not help.


Error Querying MySQL server linked to SQL Server 2008



Best Answer

Check the link server setup and see HOW the users connect to the link server. This can be done by going to Server Objects in SSMS -> Linked Servers -> [Link server name] -> right click then select Properties -> security tab. It can be done without a security context, using the current login's security context, or it can be done using a specific login. Find out which account is being used and then make sure that account has access to the table on the linked server.