Sql-server – How to identify database users and their owned schemas before dropping server logins

loginspermissionssql server

While deleting logins, there might be a possibility that there are users in databases along with chances that they own schemas in those databases.

Is there a way to find this out with a single select?

This is the warning message I get:

Deleting server logins does not delete the database users associated
with the logins. To complete the process, delete the users in each
database. It may be necessary to first transfer the ownership of
schemas to new users.

enter image description here

Best Answer

We use below query to look for the logins mapped as user to specific databases. Hope it helps.

CREATE TABLE #tempww (
    LoginName nvarchar(max),
    DBname nvarchar(max),
    Username nvarchar(max), 
    AliasName nvarchar(max)

INSERT INTO #tempww 
EXEC master..sp_msloginmappings 

-- display results
FROM   #tempww 
ORDER BY dbname, username

-- cleanup
DROP TABLE #tempww