Sql-server – How to group records by a two-value column ignoring small gaps

gaps-and-islandssql serversql-server-2008

I have a subquery with a column named code that only has 1 and 0 values and an ID column because I query a lot of codes for each ID. I want to group by said column (and by ID) and by ocurrence but want to ignore groups with less than 3 records, so that bigger groups get merged.

I use ROW_NUMBER() - ROW_NUMBER() over (partition ...) to generate a group number which I use to group records by, but sometimes the records get mixed up caused by a coincidence in the sequence of the row number and the partitioned row number. This is an example

code | row_number | row_number_partition_by_code | group_number
  0  |     1      |             1                |     0
  0  |     2      |             2                |     0
  1  |     3      |             1                |     2
  1  |     4      |             2                |     2
  0  |     5      |             3                |     2
  1  |     6      |             3                |     3
  0  |     7      |             4                |     3
  0  |     8      |             5                |     3
  0  |     9      |             6                |     3
  0  |     10     |             7                |     3
  1  |     11     |             4                |     7
  0  |     12     |             1                |     0

As you can see, some groups contain both codes!

After this, I do

GROUP BY group_number 

to eliminate small groups, and generate another group number to merge adjacent groups.

How can I group these values homogeneously?

More Details

All records are ordered by ID and by date (the later in descending order) in every ROW_NUMBER().

The final result I expect is the time in minutes of the latest code group for each ID, and merging groups that are separated by less than 3 minutes.

I'm more interested in the groups with the value 1, so if the latest code group is a 0 ( considering it is not a couple minutes long ) then ignore that ID completely.

Usually, there is one record per minute. Sometimes it can take hours without a record for any ID

Best Answer

I've set up next example according to your data and your explanations:

All records are ordered by ID and by date (the later in descending order)

CREATE TABLE tbl (id int, code int, dt datetime);

  (1, 0, '20180112 10:10:40'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:09:10'),
  (1, 1, '20180112 10:08:15'),
  (1, 1, '20180112 10:06:00'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:05:00'),
  (1, 1, '20180112 10:04:55'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:03:40'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:03:30'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:03:20'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:02:10'),
  (1, 1, '20180112 10:01:30'),
  (1, 0, '20180112 10:01:15');

IMHO this is more about GROUPING AND WINDOW than GAPS AND ISLANDS. You can set the groups in this way:

SELECT id, code, dt,
       SUM(rst) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC) grp
FROM   (SELECT id, code, dt,
               IIF(COALESCE(LAG(code) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC), -1) <> code, 1, 0) rst
        FROM   tbl) x;
id | code | dt                  | grp
-: | ---: | :------------------ | --:
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:10:40 |   1
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:09:10 |   1
 1 |    1 | 12/01/2018 10:08:15 |   2
 1 |    1 | 12/01/2018 10:06:00 |   2
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:05:00 |   3
 1 |    1 | 12/01/2018 10:04:55 |   4
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:03:40 |   5
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:03:30 |   5
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:03:20 |   5
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:02:10 |   5
 1 |    1 | 12/01/2018 10:01:30 |   6
 1 |    0 | 12/01/2018 10:01:15 |   7

Once you have the groups you can calculate time difference of each group:

SELECT id, code, grp, MAX(dt) maxDT, MIN(dt) minDT,
       DATEDIFF(minute, MIN(dt), MAX(dt)) as minutes
      SELECT id, code, dt,
             SUM(rst) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC) grp
      FROM   (SELECT id, code, dt,
                     IIF(COALESCE(LAG(code) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC), -1) <> code, 1, 0) rst
              FROM   tbl) x
      ) y
GROUP BY id, code, grp
ORDER BY id, grp;
id | code | grp | maxDT               | minDT               | minutes
-: | ---: | --: | :------------------ | :------------------ | ------:
 1 |    0 |   1 | 12/01/2018 10:10:40 | 12/01/2018 10:09:10 |       1
 1 |    1 |   2 | 12/01/2018 10:08:15 | 12/01/2018 10:06:00 |       2
 1 |    0 |   3 | 12/01/2018 10:05:00 | 12/01/2018 10:05:00 |       0
 1 |    1 |   4 | 12/01/2018 10:04:55 | 12/01/2018 10:04:55 |       0
 1 |    0 |   5 | 12/01/2018 10:03:40 | 12/01/2018 10:02:10 |       1
 1 |    1 |   6 | 12/01/2018 10:01:30 | 12/01/2018 10:01:30 |       0
 1 |    0 |   7 | 12/01/2018 10:01:15 | 12/01/2018 10:01:15 |       0

Then if I understand your comment correctly:

I'm more interested in the groups with the value 1, so if the latest code group is a 0 ( considering it is not a couple minutes long ) then ignore that ID completely.

Rows can be filtered and get last row using:

       id, code, grp, MAX(dt) maxDT, MIN(dt) minDT,
       DATEDIFF(minute, MIN(dt), MAX(dt)) as minutes
      SELECT id, code, dt,
             SUM(rst) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC) grp
      FROM   (SELECT id, code, dt,
                     IIF(COALESCE(LAG(code) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id, dt DESC), -1) <> code, 1, 0) rst
              FROM   tbl) x
      ) y
GROUP BY id, code, grp
HAVING   (code = 0 AND DATEDIFF(minute, MIN(dt), MAX(dt)) >= 2)
         OR code = 1
ORDER BY id, grp DESC;
id | code | grp | maxDT               | minDT               | minutes
-: | ---: | --: | :------------------ | :------------------ | ------:
 1 |    1 |   6 | 12/01/2018 10:01:30 | 12/01/2018 10:01:30 |       0

dbfiddle here