Sql-server – Find 13th min value in table group by a column

sql server

I am trying to replicate Small function in Excel which is Small(Array,K) gives Kth smallest element from stream of data.

I want to find 13th Min value for perticular Column values. in my table I have 2 columns A and B for each A column row value I have lets say 20 B values. I am trying to find 13th Smallest value for Each A value from column B

I am using following query to get min from group by clause

select A,min(B) from test group by Level_Name

I want to find 13th smallest value and not the smallest value.

I added tried a new query as

with a as(
select A,B,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by A,B) as rownum 
 from test 
group by Level_Name,pl
select A,B from a 
where rownum=13
group by A,B

It is returning only 13th number for 1 of the A value but there are multiple rows in A.

Best Answer

A quick solution would be to use Row_Number and select for the row number you are interested in. Something like:

--demo setup
Declare @Table table (ColA int, ColB int);
insert into @Table(ColA,ColB) values


select * from 
select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ColA order by ColB) as rn
from @Table
) a
where rn = 13;  --The row number you are interested in.

| ColA | ColB | rn |
| 1    | 130  | 13 |
| 2    | 130  | 13 |