Sql-server – Exclude .LOG file while restoring a database

sql serversql-server-2008

I have a database backup file (MyDatabase.bak). When restoring the database through SSMS it gives me "Not enough space on disk" message. I looked for an option to exclude .LOG file from restore but could not find one.

I even tried to remove the "MOVE .LOG" from restore query but got an error message "could not find .LOG file use WITH MOVE option".

Is there an option to exclude the log file while restoring the database?


Best Answer

No: the log is an essential part of the database and is used during RESTORE process (redo/undo phases) to ensure consistency.

Use WITH MOVE to restore to a compressed folder to gain "more" disk space temporarily. Or an external USB drive etc


By compressed, I mean NTFS compression (for XP but still applies).

WITH MOVE is part of restore exposed as "Restore the database files as" in SSMS

Edit 2:

SQL Server can not use network drives unless you enable trace flag 1807. Now, use at your own risk to get running again only