Sql-server – SSMS Restore Database Wizard questions while restoring to different destination

restoresql serverssms

I need to pull some data from an earlier backup of a current prod database, so I'm using the SSMS Restore Wizard to run a point in time restore and put it into a temporary restore database (for example, source DB=MyProdDB, Destination=TemporaryRestoreDB).

In addition to changing the name of the destination DB in the General page of the SSMS Restore wizard to be TemporaryRestoreDB, do I also need to modify the file names/locations located in the Files tab to not be the same as the MyProdDB names?

Essentially, I'm just double checking if SSMS is smart enough to automatically detect that since it's a different destination on the General tab that it needs new .mdf and .ldf files rather than the existing ones. I tried searching, however didn't seem to have much luck with finding an answer.

Edit: Please make sure to see Tibor Karaszi's comment on the answer below, SSMS 2012 has different requirements than other versions of SSMS on restoring to a different database/files.

Best Answer

In my experience, when you change the name of the database during a restore SSMS will automatically update the file names. However, I always double check that it is the case just to be absolutely sure.