Reset every Oracle sequence to the MAX value of its target table PK


I finally got around to migrating from MySQL to Oracle and was pleasantly surprised just how well of a job the SQLDeveloper Migration tool did. It even took my AUTOINCREMENT fields and created sequences for my tables in their place. It also did a good job of migrating the data as well.

The only real loose end I see is that when it created the sequences, it did not take into account the existing data in the table and instead all of the sequences are starting NEXTVAL of 1.

I can imagine a simple PL/SQL script that will set the next value of the sequence based on the MAX value in the primary key column of a specific table to a specific sequence but then I have to do this over a hundred times and well I just don't have the patience for that.

I wonder if there is some way I can write a PL/SQL script that uses meta data in the SYSTEM schema to dynamically do this for every table/sequence pair in an entire user space? Does anybody have any other better ideas how to handle this? I ran out of interns BTW.

Best Answer

I made this script as I did not find a script online that dynamically sets all my sequences to the current highest ID. Tested on Oracle

  difference         INTEGER;
  sqlstmt            VARCHAR2(255) ;
  sqlstmt2           VARCHAR2(255) ;
  sqlstmt3           VARCHAR2(255) ;
  sequenceValue      NUMBER;
  sequencename       VARCHAR2(30) ;
  sequencelastnumber INTEGER;
  CURSOR allseq
     SELECT sequence_name, last_number FROM user_sequences ORDER BY sequence_name;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.enable(32000) ;
  OPEN allseq;
    FETCH allseq INTO sequencename, sequencelastnumber;
    sqlstmt  := 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || sequencename || ' INCREMENT BY ';
    --Assuming: <tablename>_id is <sequencename>
    sqlstmt2 := 'select (nvl(Max(ID),0) - :1)+1 from ' || SUBSTR(sequencename, 1, LENGTH(sequencename) - 3) ;
    --Attention: makes use of user_sequences.last_number --> possible cache problems!
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt2 INTO difference USING sequencelastnumber;
    IF difference > 0 THEN
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' || sqlstmt || difference) ;
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt || difference;
      sqlstmt3 := 'SELECT ' || sequencename ||'.NEXTVAL from dual';
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' || sqlstmt3 || ' INTO sequenceValue') ;
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt3 INTO sequenceValue;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' || sqlstmt || 1) ;
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstmt || 1;
    END IF;
  CLOSE allseq;