How to set the sequence to the last used id for all tables in Oracle


I'm working on an open source elearning system called Moodle which usually uses MySql or Postgresql, but can also use MSSQL and Oracle.

A client wishes to use Oracle, which I have limited experience of. I've got a local install of Oracle 11g r2.

I used a script to transfer data from MySql into Oracle, including the ID to keep the references.

But now when creating a record I get the error message : ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME_ID_PK) violated

I'm guessing the sequences weren't updated when I inserted the ID's?

Is there an easy way to update all the table sequences to the last ID number used + 1 in each table?

Unless it's something else?

UPDATE : I can use this to get the last number in the sequence

SELECT sequence_name, last_number
FROM dba_sequences
WHERE sequence_owner = 'SCHEMA_NAME'
AND sequence_name LIKE 'V_%'

The last_number column has values but it looks like they are lower than the last id used in the table.

UPDATE 2: Found some existing code in Moodle that resets the sequence, I had wrongly assumed the naming convention for the sequences was created by Oracle but its Moodle. Here is some Moodle/PHP code that will reset all the sequences:

$todb = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($dbtype, $dblibrary);
$todb->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, $dboptions);
$totables = $todb->get_tables(false);
$tomgr = $todb->get_manager();

foreach ($totables as $table) {
    try {
    } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
        // There are a couple of temporary tables without indexes.

UPDATE 3 : This is basically what the reset sequence function does

$value = (int)$this->mdb->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(id) FROM {'.$tablename.'}');

// Calculate a sequence name from the tablename.
$seqname = $this->getSequenceFromDB($xmldb_table);
if (!$seqname) {
    // Fallback, seqname not found, something is wrong. Inform and use the alternative getNameForObject() method
    $seqname = $this->getNameForObject($table, 'id', 'seq');

$this->mdb->execute("DROP SEQUENCE $seqname");
$this->mdb->execute("CREATE SEQUENCE $seqname START WITH $value INCREMENT BY 1 NOMAXVALUE CACHE $this->sequence_cache_size");

Best Answer

First you have to find out what the current sequence value is and then reset it. I would write a script which does the following tasks:

  1. Get the max value from the table
  2. update/recreate the sequence

The script could look like this:

  maxval number;
  select max(id) into maxval from <table_1>;
  execute immediate 'ALTER SEQUENCE <sequence_name_1> START WITH '|| maxval+1 ||';';

  select max(id) into maxval from <table_2>;
  execute immediate 'ALTER SEQUENCE <sequence_name_2> START WITH '|| maxval+1 ||';';

I'm pretty sure there are better scripts but if you have to do this task frequently this might do the job without much development time.