Oracle – Query Another Schema on Different SID


I have 3 db's that should be in sync with each other, but there are some differences that I am trying to rectify. We try to stay out of the main schema and do all of our work on a separate user schema, the data is then streamed around if updates are made.

I need to be able to query data on a different schema on a different sid to get the tables in sync, but I get an ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied when I do so.

For example when I am logged in as schema2 on sid1:

/* works */
select * from schema1.my_table@sid1

/* throws an error */
select * from schema1.my_table@sid2

Likewise when I am logged in as schema2 on sid2

/* works */
select * from schema1.my_table@sid2

/* throws an error */
select * from schema1.my_table@sid1

Is this type of query possible? There is already a database link created between the db's. I use connect through when I log on so I do not know the schema2 password and I am afraid to change it. Is it that they are different on all three nodes?

I hope this is making sense, please ask for any clarifications.

Best Answer

Your database links are configured with the wrong passwords.