Postgresql – Trigger function does not exist, but I am pretty sure it does


I have a procedure:

create or replace procedure pro_update_last_read(in input_sensor_id integer, in read_time timestamp)
    update sensor
    set last_read = read_time
    where sensor_id = input_sensor_id;
$$ language plpgsql;

And a trigger that calls it:

create trigger tri_last_read
    after insert or update of report_time
    on report
execute procedure pro_update_last_read(sensor_id, report_time);

However, when creating the trigger, I get the error message:

 [42883] ERROR: function pro_update_last_read() does not exist

Why is this error happening?

Best Answer

You must use a function, not a procedure:

CREATE FUNCTION pro_update_last_read() RETURNS trigger ...

The trigger must be defined FOR EACH ROW, and you cannot pass columns to the trigger function.

The way you access the columns in the trigger function is via the NEW variable: NEW.sensor_id and NEW.report_time.