Postgresql – Postgres PLPGSQL ‘un-stored’ procedures


I'm getting the following error when I run the query below:

ERROR: query has no destination for result data Hint: If you want to
discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead. Where: PL/pgSQL
function inline_code_block line 12 at SQL statement

I don't want to discard the results though! I want to display them. What's happening here; is Postgres refusing to provide results from a block that isn't a UDF or stored procedure? Or some other syntaxy thing?

    tenant text;
    result1 integer;
    result2 integer;

EXECUTE format('SELECT count(*) from ' || tenant || E'.accounts_user;') INTO result1;

EXECUTE format('SELECT count(*) from ' || tenant || E'.accounts_user;') INTO result2;

select result1, result2;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Background: I'm trying to create a set of dynamic queries that can get values from multiple PG schemas to return in a single report.

Context: I'm using Metabase to run the query, with a read only connection talking to RDS / Postgres. My plan is to store the queries as Metabase items. I was originally going to try creating a temp table to put my results in, but I'm not allowed to CREATE anything, including UDFs and stored procedures, hence my thinking of this as an un-stored procedure.

Best Answer

I have found this answer within the great resource that appears to show that I'm not going to be able to get a return value out of a DO block:

Running a CTE query in a loop using PL/pgSQL

Will leave this open for a bit to see if anyone has a cool workaround.......