Postgresql – How to share a unique value between tables efficiently [postgres]

foreign keyindexpostgresql

We are modeling the concept of a global "reference code" for some of the records in different tables in our system (e.g., ABC123). A "reference code" needs to be unique, easy to say over the phone, and can refer to a handful of different entities in our platform (e.g., people or places).

The criteria is:

  • one pool of codes that is unique across different tables of records
  • each record must have a code (not null)

How do I enforce uniqueness of this value across tables (either via a foreign key or just the value itself?)

CREATE TABLE reference_codes (
    code public.citext NOT NULL

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_reference_codes_on_code ON public.reference_codes USING btree (code);

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  reference_code public.citext NOT NULL

  id bigint NOT NULL,
  reference_code public.citext NOT NULL

-- now that I have two tables with foreign keys, 
-- how do I ensure they do not point to the same reference_code row?

In this case, both a person and a place could end up referencing the same code (which we do not want). Any suggestions? My internet search kung fu isn't turning up enough on its own.

I thought about perhaps a custom constraint that would check each table that is foreign keyed to the reference_codes table to ensure uniqueness, but it seems cumbersome (especially when more and more tables are added).

Or perhaps a materialized view which combines all the codes across tables? I am not sure what would be best.

Best Answer

Use bigint values generated by a single sequence. Numbers are quite easy to say over the telephone.

Forget about the requirement of enforcing database-wide uniqueness. Unless someone manually messes with the data, the sequence will guarantee the requirement. The performance cost of enforcing such a requirement with database means would greatly outweigh its usefulness.

An alternative would be to have a unique alphabetic prefix for each table that you store in a "table of tables". Then each table has its own sequence, and you generate the primary key in a BEFORE INSERT trigger by concatenating the table's prefix with the sequence value. That would be slighly more expensive, but would lead to more pronouncable names.