PostgreSQL Upgrade – How to Perform a Minor Upgrade on Windows (e.g., 9.3.0 to 9.3.1)?


What is the recommended way to perform a minor upgrade from PostgreSQL e.g. 9.3.0 to 9.3.1 using the Enterprise DB built windows installer? Should I uninstall first or just install over the existing installation?

The current installation was performed with postgresql-9.3.0-1-windows-x64.exe. Now I want to upgrade using postgresql-9.3.1-1-windows-x64.exe.

Best Answer

On Windows, simply stopping the postgresql service, then running postgresql-9.3.1-1-windows-x64.exe on top of the existing 9.3.0 works. No uninstall necessary. Of course, a backup is recommended.

Clear, explicit documentation for the update procedure on Windows is absent. Note that the documentation link provided by @dezso has been moved in the current manual to:

The PostgreSQL Release Notes typically document migration tips in Appendix E. For example,

The best source of Windows installer information was the Enterprise DB forums. Here are some posting I found that addressed the question...

Note that the upgrade info moves around from release to release. For example,

Note that as of June 2017, EnterpriseDB replaced their community discussion forums affecting the links in this answer( I was able to hunt down some of the original posts on the Wayback Machine. One dead link that I was unable to repair is: "2010 January - Upgrading to 8.4.2 from 8.4.1",