PostgreSQL – automatically create a database for users on first login


Is there a way to configure PostgreSQL to create a database whose name is the same as the username on the user's first login?


In pg_hba.conf there will be a rule something like:

local sameuser all ident sameuser

When a user connects to PostgreSQL via console/psql,

  1. If a database with the users name exists, just connect to database.
  2. If it does not exist, create a database named after the user and connect the user to the newly created database.

There are a lot of users and I do not want to manually create these databases all at once, upfront.

Best Answer

No that's not possible.

Even if it was possible: as you need to specify a database when you connect, the new database wouldn't be the one the user connected to (and there is no way to re-route the user to the newly created one).