PostgreSQL, what is the hostname address of the default database

addressdefault valuepostgresql

I just created a PostgreSQL database on my laptop (following these instructions), which is running Linux CentOS 7.

Now I would like to understand what is the hostname address of my default database. I thought it was localhost but it's not.

I want to get to know the name or the IP address to use with the psql -h command.
Basically, running this psql -h HOSTNAME command should let me have the same result of the psql command alone, that is letting me connect to my database.

What is the hostname address of my default database?

> service postgresql status 


● postgresql.service – PostgreSQL database server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-03-30 14:40:30 EDT; 1 day 1h ago Main PID: 2256 (postgres

while both psql -h and psql -h -U davide produce this message:

psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "davide"`

Best Answer

If you're connecting from the same machine, use localhost

A given computer can run multiple instances of PostgreSQL on different sockets (address:port pairs). The default port is 5432

A given PostgreSQL server can run multiple databases on the same instance. The postgres database is always there. There's no "default database" though really.

Are you sure the service is enabled and running? Did you set listen_addresses in postgresql.conf and set up authentication in pg_hba.conf?

Is the service actually running?