MySQL User with Host set to a Range of IP Addresses


I have a hosted MySQL DB that I need to give access to from my customers site. They have a fast broadband connection which can present them with a range of IP addresses from a fixed pool.

So I need to lock down the access to their MySQL user so that the Host setting is a range of addresses within a class. Not the whole class.

I realise I can use a wildcard such as 81.91.71.% but that is too generous. Their range is more like –>

Is there a way to do this other than create 15 users, one for each individual IP address?

Best Answer

you can use the grant assign to a netmask like:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.* TO 'user'@'';

It will give you access from ->, just change the subnet part to fit the range you need.

You can see more info at mysql doc account names