MySQL restrict specific login to single ip address


i am trying to setup a mysql server with some logins that can be accessed from anywhere, and another login ( effectively root access ) from a single machine with a static ip. both machines have a single WAN address and are located in the same hosted server facility. the only firewall present is the one built into the operating system.

Host ( / SERVER-4XP5PS5 / mysql_win64 5.5 / svr2012r2 ):

firewall port translation :

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=5001 connectport=3306 connectaddress= protocol=tcp
Advanced Firewall Rules->Add inbound open port 'MySQL5001' / port 5001 / tcp / All connection types

mysql remote login :

create user 'testuser'@'' identified by 'testpassword';
grant all on *.* to 'testuser'@'';

Client ( / mysql_win32 5.5 / svr2012r2 ):

mysql.exe -h81.1.1.1 -P5001 -utestuser -ptestpassword
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'testuser'@'SERVER-4XP5PS5' (using password: YES)

it seems the mysql server on the host thinks the connection is coming from the local machine, but it is not, i am running the mysql connect command from the client machine.

any ideas how to get mysql to get testuser to connect through port 5001 while restricting testuser connections to ip ?

note : it works fine if i lose the ip address requirement and replace with %, but that defeats the purpose of what i am trying to achieve.

Best Answer

Thanks for the contributions - although i have discovered a work around. Instead of using windows firewall to do port translation, i can just change my.ini and set my desired port. and instead of creating a user i just create the grant :

grant all on *.* to 'testuser'@'' identified by 'testpassword';