Mysql – Unable to create connection on MySQL Workbench Edition in Mac


I have installed MySQL Workbench on my Mac. I am trying to connect the MySQL. I am not able to connect.

I have attached the screenshot.

I am getting Access denied for user 'root'

enter image description here

Best Answer

Common issues:

  • Is MySQL server running? check that by making sure you have 1 or more processes called mysqld
  • Is MySQL listening on the address? Make sure it is not running with skip-netwoking or with bind-address different from, *, or (it could be only listening on a public ip)
  • Is there an user called root? It should be there if you just installed it
  • Did you write the right password- in the latest MySQL versions, mysql gets installed with a random default password. You need to know that or connect to the socket (localhost + socket, not + 3306) using the unix_autentication plugin
  • What error do you get? It is not the same to get a "could not connect" than a "connection denied"- the first one could be points 1 and 2, the second 3 and 4. Can you connect using the command line "mysql"?
  • Do you have the latest mysql workbench version? Latest authentication methids may not be supported on old workbench versions

This is a very common question, please read the manual first for troubleshooting: