Mysql – Problem with new MySQL Workbench connection


I'm working on Debian 8 and wanted to create database using MySQL Workbench. I did everything in this tutorial, but when I created a new MySQL Connection, the program returned:

Failed to Connect to MySQL at with user root, Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).

What am I doing wrong? I typed the correct password.

Best Answer

Since you get an "access denied" the actual connection to the server worked. You just have used a user that is not allowed to connect either because it connects from a machine that is not enabled in the user settings and/or the user does not exist or the password is wrong.

  • Is it the correct server you connected to?
  • Are you 100% sure to have used the right user/pw?
  • Is the IP address of the user allowed to connect at all?