PostgreSQL to MySQL Migration for WordPress Site – How To’s


I have a complex issue to solve, related to database migration. I have a website full of news to migrate that is currently based on a PostgreSQL database and written in PHP, without a CMS. I have a dump of the database that is a huge text .sql file of 300.000+ lines (finished completely with success); the new version of the website should be based on WordPress.

Could you please kindly suggest some best practices of migrating this database dump properly to a MySQL database and importing it afterwards the right way into WordPress, e.g. through PHPMyAdmin? What procedures are to follow so that the database works with the WordPress install so that one can start with the front-end part.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Any specific reason to migrate to MySQL?

Else MySQL Workbench will work. You'll always have to take into consideration any functions/triggers, etc. that might contain advanced pgsql syntax, etc.

As @Max said, good luck!!