MySQL ignoring some params from the.cnf


I have a virtual box with 2 installed instances of MySQL.

First instance:

- /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- /var/lib/mysql
- port = 3306

Second instance:

- /etc/mysql2/my.cnf
- /var/lib/mysql2
- port = 3307

I can connect to both. The first instance is fine. The second is not.

MySQL doesn't ignoring some params from my.cnf file (socket, port, pid-file, data-dir…). But if I'm trying to change something else: cache, buffers, log files it completely ignores changes after restarting.

I need to make MySQL read all params from my.cnf.

I tried:
– to move my.cnf from /etc/mysql to /var/lib/mysql;
– commenting out !includeir /etc/mysql/conf.d.

Could someone guide me?

Best Answer

I had a similar problem with a box I was diagnosing for performance issues, it turned out that there was an incorrect / misplaced heading entry within the my.cnf for that server, so MySQL was ignoring all the settings within that section...

For example, if you had the following;

# First, the generic server configuration items
port                    = 3306
socket                  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
datadir                 = /mysql/data

#password               = your_password
port                    = 3306
socket                  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

key_buffer_size         = 256M
table_open_cache        = 1024
query_cache_size        = 32M

Then the buffer tuning section is ignored as it is within the client section and not the mysqld section... Re-arrange the sections, and all works as intended.

Hopefully, it is as simple as this for you!