MySQL – How to Optimize SQL with WHERE and ORDER BY


I have the SQL statement:

SELECT erp_orders_id
FROM erp_orders o
WHERE o.orders_export_time >= '2015-09-20'
ORDER BY o.erp_orders_id ASC

where erp_orders_id is primary key of type int. and orders_export_time is timestamp.
I'm trying to optimize it by creating an index on both orders_export_time and erp_orders_id:

ALTER TABLE `erp_orders` 
ADD KEY `IDX_ORDERID_EXPORTTIME`(`erp_orders_id`,`orders_export_time`) USING BTREE;

However, EXPLAIN shows it chooses PRIMARY to filter data:

| id           | select_type           | table           | type           | possible_keys           | key           | key_len           | ref           | rows           | Extra           |
| 1            | SIMPLE                | o               | index          | orders_export_time      | PRIMARY       | 4                 |               | 5              | Using where     |


1 : I don't understand why primary is chosen here?

So I tried to force using index IDX_ORDERID_EXPORTTIME and get the following plan which seems good to me:

| id           | select_type           | table           | type           | possible_keys           | key                    | key_len           | ref           | rows           | Extra                    |
| 1            | SIMPLE                | o               | index          |                         | IDX_ORDERID_EXPORTTIME | 8                 |               | 1              | Using where; Using index |

With the plan above, I assume it would be much faster than the first query. However, when I execute it, it runs pretty slow, even slower than the first one. So

2 : Why is this query so slow even with execution plan indicates that it scanned only 1 row?

3 : How am I supposed to optimize this query?

Best Answer

No single index (composite or not) will be optimal

WHERE x > ...

You can provide both of these, and let the Optimizer pick:

INDEX(x) -- filters out unwanted rows, but you are left with a sort
INDEX(y) -- avoids sort, but does no filtering

On the other hand, this would be a "covering" index for that specific query:

INDEX(orders_export_time, erp_orders_id)

and might be better than putting them in the opposite order.