Mysql – How to Make My Statement Accept Multiple Results


I get the error "Subquery returns more than 1 row" when I run the following statement.

SELECT `labels`.*, 
       IF((SELECT `label_id` 
           FROM   `customer_print_sessions` 
           WHERE  `customer_id` = (SELECT `customer_id` 
                                   FROM   `customer_accounts_logins` 
                                   WHERE  `id` = '1069') 
                  AND `customer_print_sessions`.`label_id` = `labels`.`id`) IS 
          NOT NULL 
       , 'Y', 'N') `in_queue` 
FROM   `labels` 
WHERE  `id` IN (SELECT `label_id` 
                FROM   `customer_groups_label_relation` 
                WHERE  `group_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` 
                                      FROM   `customer_accounts_group_relation` 
                                      WHERE  `customer_id` = 
                                                              WHERE  `id` = 
ORDER  BY `labels`.`plu` ASC; 

I ran each SELECT statement separately to determine which one returns multiple results that this statement as a whole was not expecting. I've determined that the following part of the above statement is the part that is returning multiple results which aren't expected.

SELECT `label_id`
FROM   `customer_print_sessions`
WHERE  `customer_id` = (SELECT `customer_id`
                        FROM   `customer_accounts_logins`
                        WHERE  `id` = '1069')
       AND `customer_print_sessions`.`label_id` = `labels`.`id` 

How can I write this so that the IF function and the whole statement will work with the multiple results that are being returned?

UPDATE: Since the above statement returns multiple results of the same value, is there a way I can write it to just return one?

Best Answer

I added GROUP BY label_id to make the original statement work.

SELECT `labels`.*, 
       IF((SELECT `label_id` 
           FROM   `customer_print_sessions` 
           WHERE  `customer_id` = (SELECT `customer_id` 
                                   FROM   `customer_accounts_logins` 
                                   WHERE  `id` = '1069') 
                  AND `customer_print_sessions`.`label_id` = `labels`.`id` GROUP BY `label_id`) IS 
          NOT NULL 
       , 'Y', 'N') `in_queue` 
FROM   `labels` 
WHERE  `id` IN (SELECT `label_id` 
                FROM   `customer_groups_label_relation` 
                WHERE  `group_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` 
                                      FROM   `customer_accounts_group_relation` 
                                      WHERE  `customer_id` = 
                                                              WHERE  `id` = 
ORDER  BY `labels`.`plu` ASC;