MySQL Error Message – Troubleshooting Guide


I have a small issue here. When I go to Startup/ShutDown screen in MySQL workbench, following error message is displayed.(Please refer the image)

enter image description here

I cannot stop the server when I press the Stop Server button.

My Operating System is Ubuntu 16.04. Any help regarding this is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Best Answer

The error you are encountering has been previously stored in the MySQL bug tracking system as

Bug #85807 Shutting down server: Unhandled exception

The recommendation is to upgrade MySQL Workbench to version 6.3.9 as it has been solved in that version:

[6 Apr 0:34] Miguel Solorzano
Please try version 6.3.9. Thanks.

[6 Apr 5:17] Shaun Henderson
Resolved using version 6.3.9

Good luck.