Multiple Indexes and Tuning


I'm utilising Azure SQL Database 2019.

Let's say I have columns A-F and the following indexes.

Primary Key (clustered): A

Index 1: B (ASC),C (ASC)

Index 2: B (ASC)

If I wanted to run run the following query below, is Index 2 needed or could it use Index 1 and not impact on performance?


Best Answer

The single best way to answer your question would be to run the query, measure the performance, and look at the execution plan (two steps, measure performance in one, get the execution plan in a second, capturing execution plans affects performance). See which index is used and how it's used. Then, disable that index that was used, run the query again, and see what happens. That will tell you more than any answer here is going to.

However, based on the info provided, and making assumptions on relatively even distribution of the data as well as good selectivity in the index, you're likely to see this. Index 2 is used to seek the value supplied 'X' and a key lookup is used to get the columns not included with Index 2, BCDE. Index 1 is unlikely to be used because it's wider key means more pages and a possibly deeper index. The optimizer is more likely to pick Index 2 in this scenario.

Let me emphasize though, that answer is speculation and without testing, there's no way to be certain. It's also possible that because Index 1 is more selective, a compound key, it may be more attractive to the optimizer. It's then used with a key lookup. This is less likely, but testing will tell you more than speculation will.