I have 2 tables (tblA and tblB) joined by ReportID key. This key is a Primary Clustered key on tblA, and is a FK on tblB.
I have created a Non-clustered index on UserID and UserDate in tblA.
I have a query where I want to return a number of rows from tblB based off a ReportID selection from tblA.
My issue is the Execution Plan runs a Clustered Index SCAN on tblB. How do I get it to perform a seek? Or how can I improve the query execution?
tblB b
tblA a
ON a.ReportID = b.ReportID
WHERE a.UserID = @UserID
AND a.UserDate = @Period;
Best Answer
Put a non-clustered index on b.ReportID, and 'include' all the other columns from b that your query uses.