Pivot – How to Pivot Multiple Columns in SQL


I have the following data,

Year        DRC             DISP        Id
0           140.21          0.00        5808
1           112.37          1.00        5808
0           140.21          0.00        5824
1           112.37          0.00        5824

I want to pivot it like this,

Id          DRC Year 0      DISP Year 0     DRC Year 1      DISP Year 1
5808        140.21          0.00            112.37          1.00
5824        140.21          0.00            112.37          0.00

I have tried this,

    SELECT Year, DRC, DISP, ID From OriginalDataTable
) AS SourceTable

    for Year IN ([0], [1])
) AS PivotTable;

It pivots on the DRC, but not on DISP as well. The result is like this (0, and 1 is the DRC value). I understand why that is, but how do I pivot on the DISP as well?

DISP        Id          0           1
0.0         5808        140.21      112.37
0.0         5824        140.21      112.37

Best Answer

Instead of the PIVOT you can simply use the CASE WHEN .... By using GROUP BY then use MAX(CASE will return your expected result:

Sample execution with the given sample data:

DECLARE @OriginalDataTable TABLE (
    [Year] INT, DRC DECIMAL(18,2), DISP DECIMAL(18,2), Id INT);

INSERT INTO @OriginalDataTable ([Year], DRC, DISP, Id) VALUES
(0, 140.21, 0.00, 5808),
(1, 112.37, 1.00, 5808),
(0, 140.21, 0.00, 5824),
(1, 112.37, 0.00, 5824);

SELECT [Id],  
       MAX(CASE WHEN [Year] = 0 THEN DRC END)  AS [DRC Year 0],
       MAX(CASE WHEN [Year] = 0 THEN DISP END) AS [DISP Year 0],
       MAX(CASE WHEN [Year] = 1 THEN DRC END)  AS [DRC Year 1],
       MAX(CASE WHEN [Year] = 1 THEN DISP END) AS [DISP Year 1]
FROM @OriginalDataTable 


Id      DRC Year 0   DISP Year 0   DRC Year 1   DISP Year 1
5808    140.21       0.00          112.37       1.00
5824    140.21       0.00          112.37       0.00

More explanation:

SELECT [Id],  
       CASE WHEN [Year] = 0 THEN DRC END   AS [DRC Year 0],
       CASE WHEN [Year] = 0 THEN DISP END  AS [DISP Year 0],
       CASE WHEN [Year] = 1 THEN DRC END   AS [DRC Year 1],
       CASE WHEN [Year] = 1 THEN DISP END  AS [DISP Year 1]
FROM @OriginalDataTable 

The above query returns the result below:

Id      DRC Year 0  DISP Year 0  DRC Year 1  DISP Year 1
5808    140.21      0.00         NULL        NULL
5808    NULL        NULL         112.37      1.00
5824    140.21      0.00         NULL        NULL
5824    NULL        NULL         112.37      0.00

To avoid the NULL values and the Id wise result, I used GROUP BY Id then MAX() of the each column, so in the final result we can get the not NULL values as result.