PostgreSQL Pivot with Multiple Columns – Using CROSSTAB


I have a table deflator that is defined as:

               Table "deflator"
    Column   |       Type        | Modifiers
country_code | smallint          | not null
country_name | character varying | not null
year         | smallint          | not null
deflator     | numeric           |
source       | character varying |

Sample output from this table looks like:

country_code | country_name  | year | deflator | source
           1 | country_1     | 2016 |       12 | source_1
           1 | country_1     | 2015 |       11 | source_2
           1 | country_1     | 2014 |       10 | source_2
           2 | country_2     | 2016 |       15 | source_1
           2 | country_2     | 2015 |       14 | source_1
           2 | country_2     | 2014 |       13 | source_2
           3 | country_3     | 2016 |       18 | source_1
           3 | country_3     | 2015 |       17 | source_2
           3 | country_3     | 2014 |       16 | source_3
(9 rows)

I use the following query to pivot the table if I exclude the column source:

        , country_name
        , year
        , deflator
     FROM dimension.master_oecd_deflator
     ORDER BY 1;'
     , $$ VALUES ('2014'::TEXT), ('2015'::TEXT), ('2016'::TEXT) $$
) AS "ct" (
    "country_code" SMALLINT
    , "country_name" TEXT
    , "2014" NUMERIC
    , "2015" NUMERIC
    , "2016" NUMERIC

The above query gives me:

country_code |   country_name    | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
-------------+-------------------+------+--- --+------+
           1 | country_1         | 12   | 11   | 10   |
           2 | country_2         | 15   | 14   | 13   |
           3 | country_3         | 18   | 17   | 16   |

But because the source of the deflator varies from year to year for each country I want to include the source column in the pivot for my desired output to look like:

country_code |   country_name    | 2016 | 2016_source | 2015 | 2015_source | 2014 | 2014_source
           1 | country_1         | 12   | source_1    | 11   | source_2    | 10   | source_2
           2 | country_2         | 15   | source_1    | 14   | source_1    | 13   | source_2
           3 | country_3         | 18   | source_1    | 17   | source_2    | 16   | source_3

How do I modify this query to give me the desired output? (With the source for each year listed next to the year). Is this even possible?

Best Answer

Yes it is possible, here is the solution:

WITH cte AS 
    ( SELECT  * 
          ( 'SELECT  country_code, country_name, year, 
                     deflator || '',''|| source
             FROM deflator 
             ORDER BY 1;', 
             $$ VALUES ('2014'::TEXT), ('2015'::TEXT), ('2016'::TEXT) $$
          ) AS "ct" ( "country_code" SMALLINT, 
                      "country_name" TEXT , 
                      "2014" text, "2015" text, "2016" text
SELECT country_code, country_name, 
       split_part("2014",',',1) AS "2014", 
       split_part("2014",',',2) AS "2014_source", 
       split_part("2015",',',1) AS "2015", 
       split_part("2015",',',2) AS "2015_source", 
       split_part("2016",',',1) AS "2016", 
       split_part("2016",',',2) AS "2016_source" 
FROM cte ;