How to model a database structure for exam dates and date ranges


I have one table Exam, and I want to store exam Date. Each Exam belongs to one of the Categories described below:

Category 1. For Exam A, there can be a Date once in a year, e.g., 01-01-2017.

Category 2. For Exam B, there can be more than one Date during the same year, e.g., 01-01-2017 and 03-01-2017.

Category 3. For Exam C, there can be a Date range, e.g., from 01-01-2017 to 10-01-2017

Category 4. For Exam D, the Date can be chosen by a Student, e.g., the whole year, i.e., 365 days

My approach

I am saving the Exam.Date(s) in another table. I believe the relationship between Exam and Date is one-to-many. Said table would display data as follows:

enter image description here


The problem with this approach is that, for Category 4, each Exam will have 365 rows, so, is this approach correct?

Best Answer

I think I would approach this as the exam-dates table wouldn't have an entry for category 4, since it is an open-ended exam.

Perhaps, if you need to know when student A took an exam under category 4, then add a column for the date taken along with the student and student's grade?

So you could have

  • an Exam table that lists out the exams and other data like course id, etc.
  • an ExamDates table that lists when exams are scheduled (and possibly other values like building, room number, etc.)
  • a Students table with all of your student data.
  • a StudentExams table that links exams to students, (and through exams back to courses). This would have a student ID, an Exam ID, a date the test was completed, and a grade.

and probably some other tables like

  • a Courses table with data about the course
  • a StudentCourses table linking student to course
  • and so on...