MySQL 8.0 – Fill Missing Data Points in GROUP_CONCAT


I need to generate data to build some charts.
The current results have missing data points and I'd like them to fill them with 0's.

Data is stored in MySQL 8. Simplified data sample & query fiddle here.

The query I currently have is

    GROUP_CONCAT(volume) AS volume
        DATE(t.created_at) AS created_at,
        t.currency AS currency,
        SUM(t.amount) AS volume
        transactions AS t
    WHERE (t.created_at BETWEEN @start AND @end)
        currency) r

which creates this result set:

currency volume
AUD 27553.52,13395.20,18349.51,3773.29,…
BRL 272.45,…
CAD 14738.08,7372.58,5926.08,7877.14,…
CHF 320.00,27.00,47.00,27.00,…
EUR 888.62,2806.27,4445.30,805.93,…
GBP 48588.64,37266.79,27275.01,13981.08,…
MXN 10.00,16298.00,1900.00,…
SEK 497.00,497.00,1491.00,…
USD 374660.85,347793.84,523608.81,839710.22,…

Where I need help:

  • How can I fill the mising data points with 0?
  • Let's assume the worst and at some point there are no transactions for any of the currencies for a day (or multiple days). How can I fill those missing data points?

I've read quite a few posts about WITH RECURSIVE and calendar tables but I can't wrap my head around it.

I'd appreciate any help/pointers. Thank you!

Update 1

@Akina's answer basically does what I asked for (thank you!) but: the query takes ages to complete.

The transactions table currently holds ~4m rows of data. A monthly resultset averages to roughly ~270k rows. Amogst others, there are indexes on currency, created_at and a compound index for created_at,currency.

Update 2

Something is off with my indexes. If I
LEFT JOIN transactions AS t FORCE INDEX(created_at) ...
then the query completes in ~15s, regardless if I set the date range to a month or 6 months.

Best Answer

WITH RECURSIVE  -- calendar generation needs in recuirsion

-- generate calendar, DATE() performs parameter checking additionally

calendar AS ( SELECT DATE(@start) created_at
              UNION ALL
              SELECT created_at + INTERVAL 1 DAY
              FROM calendar
              WHERE created_at < DATE(@end) ),

-- collect currencies list
currencies AS ( SELECT DISTINCT currency
                FROM transactions ),

-- gather daily data for all dates and all currencies
-- replace NULLs for the dates where there is no data with zeroz

daily AS ( SELECT ca.created_at AS created_at,  
                  cu.currency AS currency,  
                  COALESCE(SUM(t.amount), 0) AS volume
           FROM calendar ca
           CROSS JOIN currencies cu
           LEFT JOIN transactions AS t ON ca.created_at = DATE(t.created_at)
                                      AND cu.currency = t.currency
           GROUP BY ca.created_at, cu.currency )

-- get final data, aggregated data is sorted

SELECT currency, 
       GROUP_CONCAT(volume ORDER BY created_at) AS volume
FROM daily
GROUP BY currency;