Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager – Defining Host on New Installation


I just started working with Oracle's products, and I downloaded the "Developer Day" VM from the following link:

The VM boots up fine. Then, I proceeded to install the Enterprise Manager, from the following link:

It was only missing one prerequisite (glibc-devel.i686), which installed without an issue. The problem I have is when I get to the page which asks for the host… by default, it says "localhost," but the setup doesn't like this, and doesn't let me proceed.

Changing it to another irrelevant value doesn't work.

Sorry if this is on the wrong "stack," I assumed that dba would be the best.

Best Answer

1- Avindra follow this link to a list of how to articles on Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c

2- And as for your host question, you need to setup a name for your host and that name must carry an valid ip address, unless you want to monitor all targets on the localhost.

To change your host name follow this article