DB2 Dynamic Load from cursor


We have to load a number of huge tables using Load From cursor. The query formed for the same is a dynamic query as the column names are to be specified. we do the same using the below code in a procedure

For Mcnt As Mcur Cursor For 
  Select Di_tablename From file_mapping  Order By Id      

   For Mcnt1 As Mcur1 Cursor For Select Column_name  From Sysibm.Columns  Where Table_name=di_tablename 
       Set v_colquery = v_colquery || Column_name || ',' ;   
   End For;           

   Set v_colquery = Substr(v_colquery, 1, Length(v_colquery)-1);

 set v_sql ='LOAD FROM (SELECT '|| v_colquery || ' FROM ' || Di_tablename  || ' ) OF CURSOR INSERT INTO ' || Di_tablename || '_LOG  ( ' || v_colquery || ') NONRECOVERABLE';
call admin_cmd(v_sql);   

 END for;

The first round in loop executes just fine. But when it comes to the second it gives the below error.

The cursor specified in a FETCH statement or CLOSE statement is not open or a cursor variable in a cursor scalar function reference is not open.. SQLCODE=-501, SQLSTATE=24501, DRIVER=4.18.60

All the cursors are implicit cursors(do correct me if i am wrong). Unclear as to which cursor is being referenced and what exactly the issue is.

Best Answer

It was because of Commit while using Cursor.

Adding WITH HOLD to the cursor definition resolved the Issue.