Oracle: Get the row count in a cursor when using a OPEN-FOR-USING statement


Within an Oracle procedure, after opening a cursor for a select statement, I fail to find a mean to count the number of rows fetched.

OPEN mycursor FOR

-- mycursor%ROWCOUNT is always set to 0, even if the cursor has rows.
IF mycursor%ROWCOUNT = 0
  <error processing code here>

This is expected, as documented at Oracles's documentation website:

The OPEN-FOR-USING statement associates a cursor variable with a
query, executes the query, identifies the result set, positions the
cursor before the first row in the result set, then zeroes the
rows-processed count kept by %ROWCOUNT

So, except for running a second, redundant 'select count(*) from table', are there any other means to find out the number of rows within the cursor?

EDIT #1: I am not looping after loading the cursor; it is returned as is to the calling procedure. However, I must raise an exception if there are no row. These are the specifications.

Best Answer

Do the ROWCOUNT check after looping through the set. If ROWCOUNT will remain 0 if there were no data in the cursor. You could use a FOR LOOP construct like:

OPEN ....

FOR ... IN mycursor
    /* Process data here */

IF mycursor%ROWCOUNT = 0 ...

CLOSE mycursor;