Oracle EM 11G – Fixing Backup Settings Changes Not Sticking


Trying to configure Enterprise Manager 11G Database Control for backups for the first time. Whenever I navigate to

Availability >> Backup Settings >> Policy tab

and try to make a change, for example, enable the checkbox for Automatically backup the control file and server parameter file (SPFILE) with every backup and database structural change, then click OK button, the GUI says the settings were saved successfully, but when I revisit the page, it's always showing the default settings. (I make sure to set the correct Host Credentials at the bottom of the tab each time)

If I do it enough times, occasionally, the changes will stick the next time, but upon a 2nd (and subsequent) visits (without changing anything, just viewing the page), the settings go back to default again.

Anyone see this behavior before? The Home page doesn't show any problems.

Best Answer

Enterprise Manager Database Control Backup Settings are not Retained, Scheduled Backups Fail to Run (Doc ID 2185136.1)


Download and apply one-off Patch 19316728 to the database Oracle Home according to the instructions in the associated README file.

If you want to set the above setting manually, just log in to the server, and:

$ rman target /
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup on;