Windows – Installing Windows 7 on Mac. A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing


I'm installing Windows 7 on my Mac via Parallels. During installation I'm getting. "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing." message. Doesn't give me any option to proceed further. What am I doing wrong?

p.s. I hit same message using bootcamp.

I'm using Macbook Pro OS X, Core i7. Trying to install Windows 7 Pro 64bit.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This error commonly occurs when the Windows 7 DVD, or the ISO image used to create said DVD, is corrupted. I see this at work once every month or two so know it well.

Re-download the Windows 7 ISO image to use with Parallels. Also re-burn the new ISO image to DVD if you still need a physical disc (for Boot Camp).

If this error occurs with a retail DVD try and ask for a replacement or check that your optical drive is in full working order (having tried using a CD/DVD lens cleaner on it first).