Tmux with iterm2 integration won’t start when invoked with tmux -CC


I'm using iterm2 Build and would like to get tmux working. I followed the instructions at:

Everything compiled and installed without incident. When I run tmux -CC
I get the following:

** tmux mode started **

Command Menu
esc    Detach cleanly.
  X    Force-quit tmux mode.
  L    Toggle logging.
  C    Run tmux command.
$ control set-client-size 80,25
-bash: control: command not found
$ control set-value "affinities0=pty-8A4A5594-20D6-4AE2-A734-76075A248E63 pty-6CAAC2D6-70DB-44EF-9A14-7A50030731B4 0,pty-DD78FAE6-7E0A-49AE-BF49-67093639FEAB"
-bash: control: command not found
$ list-sessions -F "#{session_name}"
-bash: list-sessions: command not found

I'm not sure what to try next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I installed tmux as part of homebrew and it works just fine.

Once you have homebrew installed

brew install tmux will install tmux for you.