Script to preview two .png s side by side


I want to display A.png and B.png together, A left / B right or A top / B bottom.
I can of course

preview A.png
preview B.png

separately, then resize and move the two windows next to each other,
but that's a pain if you do it a lot. Can it be scripted ?
If not, is there an opensource preview-like that can display side-by-side ?

(I have 10.8.3 .
on SO has a comment
"Preview does have an AppleScript dictionary by default in 10.9 but not in earlier versions of OS X."

Best Answer

Open the two files with Preview, then run the following to position the windows:

tell application "Preview"
    set the bounds of the first window to {0, 0, 700, 1000}
    set the bounds of the second window to {700, 0, 1400, 1000}
end tell

Customise the coordinates as you wish depending on monitor resolution.
Syntax: {x1, y2, x1, y2}

Enable AppleScript in Preview in OS X ≤10.8 by quitting Preview and running:

defaults write NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool true