Run ffmpeg to remove exif on several files at once


Is there a way of removing exif for several files at once?

ffmpeg -i -map_metadata -1 -c:v copy -c:a copy worked great for me as I wanted to remove date-stamped details from an MTS video file, but I have to do it from a list of videos and wanted to know if there was a script I could use to avoid processing each file (specify outputs "manually") one by one and get outputs like "video 1.MTS, video 2.MTS,…" and so on.

Best Answer

I ended up going with for f in /path/*.MTS; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -map_metadata -1 -c:v copy -c:a copy "$f copy.MTS" done and came up with files like "video 1.MTS copy.MTS" which work just fine and with no timestamp.

There might be a more logical way to do it but as I'm no expert when it comes to shell script I'm gonna stick with this one in case I need it again.

Thanks to Graham Miln for helping, cheers everyone !