How to auto-import AVCHD video

image captureimportvideo

I need a way to just auto-copy AVCHD from my memory card to the Mac.

The Image Capture and AutoImporter apps both work great for still photos and for MP4 video. Image Capture completely ignores AVCHD, while AutoImporter seems to hang when I plug in the memory card with some AVCHD clips:

enter image description here

When manually browsing the memory card, there is on its root level a package called "PRIVATE":

enter image description here

And only 3 levels down can I find the actual MTS files that should be copied… :

enter image description here

How can I get these videos to be auto-copied when I plug in the memory card?

Best Answer

Try the free AVCHD to MOV Lite on the App Store to convert it to MOV format, and then import to Photos. This will remux the video (convert it without reprocessing/converting the audio or video) losslessly.

(Hat tip to How can I convert .MTS file (AVCHD) to .mp4 by ffmpeg without re-encoding H264 video stream? ).