Remove unused Menu Bar items


I have some Menu Bar items which I don't use (the bar on top of screen), any advice how to remove them? I've disabled SIP so I can edit system-level stuff.

For instance, I have Razer Synapse menu item, it's there even though I uninstalled Razer Synapse software, any tips how to get rid of the icon?

enter image description here

I'm on MacOS 11.3

Best Answer

Anything with a menu bar item can't be uninstalled by simply deleting the relevant app.

You'll need to go through each item individually, see if there's a remaining uninstaller in your Applications/Utilities folder, or if not Google "app name complete uninstall macos"

Note, this search will throw up many results from companies trying to sell you their uninstaller software. If you're lucky they will actually include a real manual uninstall method as well. Your best result will often be from the software manufacturer, who may make a separately-downloadable uninstaller.