Remove Search Engine


I, perhaps unwisely, installed iFunBox based on an article in a respected Computer Magazine APC.

This appears to have installed a Search Engine in my browsers.
It was easy to remove from Firefox, but I can't seem to delete from Chrome.

Safari now crashes whenever I run it.

Any ideas on how to fix these problems?

I have managed to fix Chrome.

Best Answer

I think I have solved my problem.

I got an exception from Safari which suggested "External Modification Warnings: Thread creation by external task."

I found many references on the web (most for Windows) and some suggesting going to Safari\Preferences\Extensions and turning off. I wasn't even going to try those which suggested I install yet another app from the web.

Seeing as I could not even start Safari the above was not useful. I could start Safari in Safe mode, but there was nothing there - possibly because when it originally wanted access to all my private data I refused.

Activity Monitor showed an Installer and this had ~/Library/Application Support/com.genieoinnovation.Installer/ open. I deleted this directory. Unfortunately this did not fix the problem.

I tried @Buscar웃 suggestion, but this only found references to old preferences in Firefox and Chrome, which I had already fixed.

I then tried sudo mdfind com.genieoinnovation and found the following.


/Users/ian/Library/Application Support/com.genieoinnovation.Installer/

Deleting all these seems to have resolved the issue.