Reducing PowerPoint file size with retina images

displaymicrosoftms officeresolution

I am using PowerPoint from Microsoft Office 2016. I use a lot of screenshots (save the screenshot to clipboard and paste it in PowerPoint). When using the retina display, the presentation file size becomes a lot bigger compared to the same task using a normal display. That makes sense, since the same size images would be 4X as many pixels.

There seems to be a solution. You can go to File > Compress Pictures. However, I don't think that compresses the images properly. I can set the resolution to a very low setting. That makes the images very blurry and the file size is reduced. However, the file size it still much higher than using non-retina images without any compression. The non-retina presentation is smaller file and better quality in the end. I think that the way PowerPoint calculates the resolution, that still somehow does not take into account the retina conversion by the OS.

Is there a way to use PowerPoint with a retina display, but still keep the images to a reasonable size? Can I keep PowerPoint in non-retina mode somehow?

Looking at previous posts, there used to be an option to "Open in low resolution" in File > Get Info, but that does not seem to exist anymore.

Best Answer

Try saving the screenshots to a JPG file and then inserting them into the Powerpoint. You can switch the format that Mac OS saves screenshots in to JPG by typing the following command into a terminal window:

defaults write type jpg;killall SystemUIServer

I just tried it with identical screen shots and saving to a JPG file and then inserting into the Powerpoint made the file 80% smaller than pasting the screen shot directly into the Powerpoint. The quality was identical.

enter image description here

You can shrink your existing files by saving the screenshots out of Powerpoint as a JPG (right click and choose save as picture), then delete it from the slide and re-add it from the JPG you saved.

To switch back to saving screenshots as PNG, use this command:

defaults write type png;killall SystemUIServer