Phishing Mail AppleID


I got the following phishing email from “Apple”:

Your ApрIe ID ( xxx ) was used to sign in to other device. Date and
Time: 16 August 2017, 04:28 PM (GMT+10) Operating System: Linux

If you have not logged in recently and feel someone is logged in to
your account ,go to ApрIe ID ( Verification your account ) and update
your account.

ApрIe Suρρort

The “Verification your account” text contains a hyperlink to

When I click that link I get redirected to what looks like the official Apple website. How is this possible? Has the link been adjusted/modified/redirected to protect people from going to the malicious website?

When I submit the HTTP request I receive the following response:

        <META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">
<script>window.opener = null; location.replace("https:\/\/\/?adu”)</script>

Visiting correctly triggers a “Malicious site detected” warning, unlike clicking the original link.

What is happening here? Why does clicking the link take me to the legitimate Apple website, when I should instead be redirected to a phishing website? Is it possible I am done any harm here caused by cross site scripting? Or is it only redirecting to a fake website?

Best Answer

That is not the legitimate Apple ID website. Notice the lowercase l in the URL in place of an uppercase i. Not only that, the actual domain is rather than

In this case is merely a subdomain, and since anyone can register anything as a subdomain on their own site, they should have kept that i instead of replacing it with an l. The URL might have looked slightly less suspicious.

Report this email as spam/phishing, and if you entered your credentials on that site, immediately head to the real and change your password.