OSX Preview: Bug in the size of PDF Highlights


When I highlight text in OSX's Preview the size of the highlight becomes huge. These two images illustrate the problem (In the first image I am highlighting the text and the highlight is normal, in the second image you see the applied highlight which four-five times as tall):
enter image description here


enter image description here

However this does not happen with all PDFs. I am currently experiencing the problem with some PDF slides that most likely have been saved/exported/printed from PowerPoint (Windows). The problem is especially problematic when highlighting multiple lines, then the highlight becomes completely illegible (can't see which line it starts nor stops at).

Anyways of fixing this by myself? Or will I have to report it to Apple and then wait for a possible update/fix?

Best Answer

I have managed to fix the problem by using Preview to export the PDF file as a PDF. Somehow, doing so makes all the difference in terms of Preview's ability to recognize discrete lines of text that can then be highlighted normally.