Ordered list with capital letters in PowerPoint

ms office

I'd like to create an ordered list in Powerpoint with capital letters as enumeration:

Diagnostic Criteria

A. Excessive anxiety and worry

B. The individual finds it difficult to control the worry

I use PowerPoint for Mac 2011 (German version), the options that PP provides look like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

This answer was originally posted as an edit by @what to @nadynes answer. I include it for completeness sake.

@what writes:

nadyne's answer gave me an idea how to solve this problem, so I'm attaching my solution to her answer. What I did was temporarily install the English version of Microsoft Office.

  1. Move the Microsoft Office folder from the Applications folder of OS X to the trash and from there to some other place (like the Desktop). (You cannot directly move the Office folder elsewhere. Dragging it will only create an alias.)
  2. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/germany/mac/office-2011-digital-download and download the English version of Microsoft Office. You need your product key for this.
  3. Install MS Office.
  4. Open the new English version of PowerPoint and create a new document with the ordered list, or open your existing document and create a new or re-format an existing list. Save the document.
  5. Close PowerPoint, move the (English) MS Office folder from the Applications folder to the trash and from there to a save place to store it.
  6. Drag and drop the old (German) MS Office folder back to the Applications folder.
  7. Open your PP file in the German version of PowerPoint. Voila, you have a list with capital letter numberging :-) You can even copy this list to other places in your document and edit the text. It will retain the capital letters.

Here is an image of the result. Note how the Numbering format menu does not offer the option for capital letters followed by a dot ("A."), but the list in the open document is nevertheless numbered in that way:

enter image description here

Notes: Office apps don't open when they're outside the Applications folder under OS 10.9, so you cannot have two parallel working installations but have to drag the MS Office folders around. You have to do a complete Office installation. Installing only the English version of PowerPoint into the German version of the MS Office folder will cause PP to crash upon startup. Also, the Office installer does not allow to choose a different place for installation, you have to install to the Applications folder. So move the German version before you install the English one.

The whole procedure including writing this edit took me 59 minutes (that's the time from my last comment to this edit). Next time will be much quicker, because I don't have to search, download and install MS Office or write an edit on Stackexchange :-)